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Contributing to CST

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Containerized Security Toolkit! This document provides guidelines for contributing to the project.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork:
    git clone
  3. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name

Development Environment

  1. Install prerequisites: Docker & Docker Buildx (if working cross-platform)
  2. Install documentation dependencies:
    pip install mkdocs-material

Building Images

To build images locally:

# For x86_64 or ARM64 systems
cd images/$VARIANT
docker build -f builder.Dockerfile -t intermediate_builder .
docker build -t cst-<variant>:local .

To build ARM64 on x86_64 systems, use:

# For ARM64 on x86_64 systems
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -f builder.Dockerfile -t intermediate_builder .
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -t cst-<variant>:local .

Project Structure

├── docs/              # Documentation
├── images/            # Dockerfile for each variant
│   ├── general/
│   ├── cloud/
│   ├── dev/
│   ├── netsec/
│   └── rice/
└── scripts/           # Build and utility scripts

Coding Guidelines

  • Dockerfiles

    • Use multi-stage builds
    • builder.Dockerfile should contain go installs and release downloads
    • Document non-obvious commands
    • Follow best practices for size optimization
  • Documentation

    • Use clear, concise language
    • Prefer short and bulleted information
    • Keep formatting consistent
    • Update relevant sections only
  • Scripts

    • Add usage comments where applicable
    • Name them <variant>-<action>.sh

Pull Request Process

  1. Update documentation for new features
  2. Create succint PR description
  3. Link relevant issues (if any)

Before submitting the PR:

  1. Build images locally
  2. Test basic functionality
  3. Verify installed tools work
  4. Add examples to documentation if appropriate
  5. Explicitly state any breaking changes in PR


  • Open an issue
  • Check documentation


Your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.