Shell Shortcuts and Functions
The CST environment can be enhanced with shell functions that streamline container management and daily operations. These functions provide a seamless workflow for starting, accessing, and managing CST containers.
Core Container Management
As mentioned in Getting Started, the following shell functions handle container lifecycle management. Add these to your shell's RC file (.bashrc
, .zshrc
, etc.):
start_cst() {
# First argument is the variant name, defaulting to 'general'
arch=$(uname -m | grep -q "aarch64" && echo "arm" || echo "amd")
# Run container with SSH enabled and history persistence
docker run --name="cst_${variant}" --rm -d \
-v $HOME/docker_work/:/persist \
-p 50022:22 ${@:2} \
-it tanq16/cst-${variant}:${arch} \
bash -c "service ssh start; cp /persist/.bash_history /root/.bash_history 2>/dev/null; tail -f /dev/null"
# Generate and set SSH password
new_pass=$(cat /dev/random | head -c 20 | base64 | tr -d '=+/')
echo "Password: $new_pass"
echo $new_pass > $HOME/.cst-pw
docker exec -e newpp="$new_pass" cst_${variant} bash -c 'echo "root:$(printenv newpp)" | chpasswd'
stop_cst() {
# Gracefully stop container and preserve history
docker cp cst_${variant}:/root/.bash_history $HOME/docker_work/.bash_history 2>/dev/null
docker stop cst_${variant} -t 0
# SSH alias without known host file write
alias sshide='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"'
These functions provide:
- Automatic architecture detection (ARM/AMD)
- The first argument to the
function will be the variant name - Command history is automatically copied on container start and stop to ensure persistence
- SSH server is enabled with access to a random password stored in
- Additional parameters possible due to
, where you can specify arguments from second argument onwards - Additional arguments can be new port mappings or volume mounts, etc.
- A default volume in
is already mounted for persistence
Enhanced Access Functions
Additional functions can improve container access and management:
connect_cst() {
# Direct shell access to running container
docker exec -it cst_${variant} /bin/bash
ssh_cst() {
# SSH into container with dynamic port forwarding
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \
-o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \
-D 65500 \
root@localhost -p 50022
Usage Examples
Starting a Cloud variant container with extra port mapping:
Accessing the container via SSH with dynamic port forwarding:
Adding port mapping to a running container:
Advanced Configuration Tips
Persistent Configurations
Create a .cst_config
file in your home directory:
# ~/.cst_config
CST_DEFAULT_PORTS="-p 50080:80 -p 50443:443"
CST_EXTRA_MOUNTS="-v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws"
# Source this in your shell RC file
if [ -f ~/.cst_config ]; then
source ~/.cst_config
Shell Function Enhancements
Extended start function with configurations:
start_cst_enhanced() {
docker run --name="cst_${variant}" --rm -d \
-v "${CST_PERSIST_DIR:-$HOME/docker_work}":/persist \
-p 50022:22 \
${@:2} \
-it tanq16/cst-${variant}:${arch} \
bash -c "service ssh start && tail -f /dev/null"
Best Practices
- Resource Management: Create cleanup functions for maintenance
Network Security: Use SSH dynamic port forwarding for securely accessing container-internal services
Data Persistence: Structure your persistent storage