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DIY Build Guide

This guide details how to build custom images for specific purposes. The main idea is to use the cst-general image Dockerfiles as base and add tool and services onto it for custom operations.

Basic Build Process

CST uses a multi-stage build process for efficient image creation:

  1. Builder Stage: This stage builds or downloads tools. It is primarily meant for tools that are installed as executables, such as go installs or executable downloads. Often it would require multiple images being used in a multi-stage build to store executables inside an alpine image to copy to the main stage later. Example:

    FROM ubuntu:jammy AS executable_builder
    # Tool compilation and binary creation
    FROM golang as go_builder
    # Go installs
    FROM alpine
    COPY --from=go_builder /executables/* /executables/
    COPY --from=executable_builder /executables/* /executables/

  2. Final Stage: This uses the resulting image from the builder stage to copy artifacts into the main Dockerfile to produce the final image. This also includes non-binary installs (such as Tmux or apt installs). Example:

    FROM intermediate_builder as intermediate_builder
    FROM ubuntu:jammy
    # System setup and tool installation
    COPY --from=intermediate_builder /executables /opt/executables
    RUN chown -R root:root /opt/executables && chmod 755 /opt/executables/*

Now, to build a custom image, create a new variant directory as follows:

cp -r images/general images/myvariant && \
cd images/myvariant

Then modify the two Dockerfiles, based on the details mentioned earlier. After that, you can build as follows:

# Build intermediate layer
docker build -f builder.Dockerfile -t intermediate_builder .

# Build final image
docker build -t cst-<variant>:local .

# Clean up
docker builder prune -f


Don't forget to cleanup otherwise the builder cache will pile up and really eat up disk space slowly.

Advanced Building

Cross-Platform Builds

Building for multiple architectures:

# Setup buildx
docker buildx create --use

# Build multi-platform image
docker buildx build \
    --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
    -t username/cst-custom:latest .

Optimization Techniques

  • A multi-stage build itself reduces size significantly
  • When cloning repositories with git, use --depth=1 to save .git space
  • Use DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" as the environment variable for apt to prevent failures
  • Use --no-install-recommends with apt to ensure only required packages are installed

Base Image

The base image being used is the ubuntu:jammy image. While a method of reducing size can be to use alpine images for the final image, in reality it does not make much of a difference with tools installed; essentially 250+ MB vs 15+ MB doesn't matter when the final images are sized in giga bytes. This is because there are tools like Azure CLI, which take up 2GB alone. Also, the jammy variant is being used for better overall stability. This may change in the future as needed. Also, using ubuntu helps with debugging and maintaining a common environment that most people use and have the best online support for.